Business Acquisition

Whether you’re a first time business buyer, established business owner, hopeful entrepreneurs, financing a business isn’t easy. There are many ways to finance your business acquisition. Here are some ways to follow.

  1. Seller Note. This is common in a small business acquisition. Basically the seller gives the buyer a “loan” for an agreed-upon price. It is paid back monthly with principal and interest much like a bank loan. This scheme is very flexible which can be up to 100% financing. When you also take a bank loan you must establish liquidation.
  2. Commission Financing. This is also common in a small business acquisition. It is best for when you are unsure about the short term growth or profits (turnaround) of the business. Payment is by performance, wherein you pay a seller back over time as a percentage of sales, profits, margin etc. This can help you pay back sooner than a loan, but, could take a chunk of cash flow as opposed to a fixed monthly loan.
  3. Private Investors. It is once again common in small business acquisition. This is for private individuals, private equity groups, large institutions who contribute equity or debt into your deal. This could be structured in various ways such as common stocks, preferred stock, debt, line of credit, commission etc. It has a more flexible capital.
  4. Bank loans. It is one of the most common methods of acquiring finances for a business. It usually requires personal guaranty, equity injection, good credit score and cosigners. When getting a bank loan never miss a payment to avoid interests.

